Tuesday, 31 January 2012

School and Home Life

Edmonton Oilers (Ice Hockey team) cake

Paddy looking very happy to be 6.

With the Weaver clan.

All rugged up ready for school. And we are definately happy!
Paddy's birthday on the 9th was also time to celebrate because it meant that we started school. Both boys have settled in well and are learning so much about Canada. They come home from school most days and tell me about places that they would like to visit. They also know the Canadian national anthem in English and French.

Happy New Year

The arrival of the New Year means that this is it. We are now in Canada for a whole 12 months. While we are here we plan to make the most of it - cold temps and all. New Years Eve was very quiet for us. Kicking back and relaxing after a whirlwind tour of parts of the USA and then Christmas. With the New Year also brought along Christine who will feature in many of our blog posts as a fellow exchangee and Dubvegan (from Dubbo). Over the New Year holidays we took Christine and the boys tobogganing, attempted iceskating - with not much success when Joey chipped a tooth, we also took in some of the sights of Calgary including the Olympic Park and Calgary tower, we visited our friends in Calgary Gav and Julie (who were on exchange in Mudgee in 2011) and started to get ready for school.

New Years Eve at Boston Pizza

Ali and Christine - hard core snow bunnies

Greg looking a tad cold

Attempting to ice skate

"Cool" dudes

Playing hockey on the pond.

Olympic Park ski field in Calgary (personally I think that slope is huge!)

Playing it safe while skiing.

Just after this pic was taken I slipped on the ice and majorly stacked it.

Bob sled track at Calgary Olympic park.

Downtown at Calgary Tower
Looking down from Calgary tower

January 2012

Our arrival in Canada has meant the weather has improved for Albertans. Everyone is so excited to be having such mild weather. For us, the scenery of snow has provided so much to do.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Happy Australia Day

No homesickness today but we are ready to celebrate in true Aussie style. I spent 2 days in th kitchen preparing Aussie foods for our Canadian friends to enjoy. We sent them all home with a full belly, including grog, and a recipe book so they can enjoy Aussie food all year round. On the menu was vegemite melba toasts, mini meat pies, snags (which Greg burnt) and prawns on the barbie, green and gold salads (avocado and mango; pumpkin and spinach), lamingtons and mini pavs. YUM.

FIRE. The flames were dull by the time I had grabbed the camera.

Trevor, Greg and Corri

Kim, Corrine, Corri, Irene and Ali

Tim, Cyril and Trevor

Jaden, Kalin, Heather & Todd